JES Disney presentation 2020
"Disney Movie Music"
Feb. 13, 2020
6:30 PM JES stage
Hello Fourth Grade Musicians!6:30 PM JES stage
I created this page to help us prepare for our upcoming musical.
Check back often as I will be updating along the way. Use this blog to learn the music and your lines!
Enjoy!! and visit often!😄
Disney Movie Songs Digital Access:
Step 1. Go to
Step 2. Enter in access code in the box: 6396 2206 6863 1726
Costume Guide and Amazon Link:
The Amazon link is the link to use to purchase the costumes for the characters
Amazon link:
Costume Guide 2020:
Chorus, Stage Crew & Welcome Team:
Dorthea, Tristan, Logan, Dominic Christian, Sean, Sam A.,
Brendan, Fahad, Michael G., Gemma, Izabella, Basher, Mason P., Harry, Brody,
Marley, Brendan B., Ben D., Taylor J., Luke, Rushi, Stephan, Richard.
Boys: Clean, dark pants, clean dark soft-soled shoes with dark
socks, T-shirt will be provided, but kept
at school.
Girls: Skirts that with a
just above the knee length hem line or longer, long dressy pants, Capri dressy
pants, NO LEGGINS PLEASE (except under a skirt) a T-shirt will be provided, but
kept at school. . Shoes should be flats or low heeled shoes
that do not make a lot of noise when walking on bare wood floor.
MC’s : Ahmad, Riley, Nozilla, Jack P., Tyler D., Josh S., Kathyrn
D., Evan F., Evan S., Naiya B., James C., Shailyn, Connor G., Jack B., Youness,
Tanari, Julia, Dexter
Boys: Clean, dark pants, clean
dark soft-soled shoes, Long-sleeved (white or another color, except black) dress
shirt, with tie. If you have a suit, you could wear that too.
Girls: Clean and neat dress up clothes. For example: A dress with
tights, skirt with blouse or sweater.
The top of the out-fit- could be short or long sleeved, as long as
shoulders are covered. The bottom of the
outfit could be pants or a skirt or dress.
If wearing a skirt or dress, the hem length needs to be finger-tip
length and tights should be worn with it.
Shoes should be flats or low heeled shoes that do not make a lot of noise
when walking on bare wood floor.
Mickey Mouse Team: Luna, Zach, Shyanne, Mason B, &Cassandra.
Mickey Mouse ears from Amazon
list and the rest of your out-fit should be the same as Chorus, Stage Crew and Welcome
team. (See above)
Tour Guide: Evelyn,
Henry, John C.:
Same as MC’s, except you will need a turquoise vest and a hat. Please order this from the Amazon list as all
of the Guides need to match. Thank you.
Family: Sam, Mona,
Kellen, Cara:
Florida vacation clothes that you
would wear to a nice museum. You could
wear shorts, but they should be dressy shorts. Shoes can be sandals, but please
no flip flops. If you choose a t-shirt, please choose a plain color or a
pattern. No large graphics or lettering.
No exercise type of clothing. Think summer dress up or dress casual type of
Fish Swim team: Shailyn,
Ella R., Ava W., Sophia, Nozilla, Ava P. Naiya., Bree, Gwen
Please check the Amazon list and order a hat from list
as all fish will be wearing a fish hat.
order your choice of a hat up to the maximum number indicated. After we reach the max number indicated,
please order a different hat. This will
ensure that we have a lot of different colors on the stage and provide for a
vibrant scene. *A matching colored
t-shirt will be provided by the school. *Your bottom should be a choice of a: Skirt that with a just above the knee length
hem line or longer, long dressy pants, Capri dressy pants, NO LEGGINS PLEASE (except
under a skirt) Shoes should be flats or
low heeled shoes that do not make a lot of noise when walking on bare wood floor.
Disney Characters: All of the
characters have items on the Amazon list.
Please order from the list. In addition to the hats, I have listed other
items each character needs. If your
child is more than one character, please follow guide for the other character for
bottoms and tops for that as well.
Donald Duck: Jack B. :
Duck and Sailor hats from Amazon list, bottom and top from the MC list
Mickey Mouse- Dexter, Mickey hat from Amazon list, bottom and top
from the MC list
Mary Poppins- Evelyn, Sunhat
from Amazon list, white dress will be provided.
Burt- Griffin: Bowler hat from Amazon list, Brown pants, and
loose, casual, any color button down shirt (if possible) otherwise, follow MC’s
tops and bottoms list.
Man- Elias: Bowler hat from Amazon
list, Brown pants, and loose, casual, button down shirt any color or pattern (
if possible) otherwise follow MC’s tops
and bottoms list.
Wife- Ava W.:1 feather hairpiece from Amazon list. A dress with tights and dress shoes. Anything you like, follow guide lines for MC’s
for girls.
Reporter 1- Rachael: Bowler
hat from Amazon list. A dress with tights and dress shoes. Anything you like, follow guidelines for MC’s
for girls.
Peter pan and Reporter 2 -Bengi: Peter pan hat and Bowler hat from Amazon list.
Brown pants, baggy button down shirt,
any color and dark shoes for Reporter. Green
tunic and belt will be provided for Peter Pan
Reporter 3- Sophia: hat
from Amazon list, A dress with tights and dress shoes. Anything you like, follow guidelines for MC’s
for girls.
Baloo – Gwen: T-shirt and Ears for Baloo from Amazon
list. Bottoms- she can wear the same
bottoms that she is choosing for her fish costume
Mowgli- Vivaan: T-shirt
from Amazon list and bottoms should be long, beige, taupe or brown shorts with
pockets. Could be long pants, carpenter
style. And Flip flops
Sebastian -Jack P.: Crab hat from Amazon and plain long red
shorts, can be sports type, if strip on side, its ok. Red t-shirt will be provided, flip flops
Flounder- Anthony: flounder hat from Amazon plain long yellow
or blue shorts, can be sports type, if strip on side, its ok. Yellow or blue t-shirt will be provided, flip
Ariel- Ella K., costume from Amazon list.
Red wig provided. Sandals
Pinocchio-Matt T., Costume from Amazon list, dark shoes or
Jimmy Cricket- Ava P. Hat, tie and vest from Amazon list. Shirt,
white blouse could be plain or have ruffles.
Bottoms and shoes: follow MC guide lines
Simba- Naiya: Head band and tail from Amazon, mask will be provided. For the Rest
of the outfit follow Fish guidelines
Rafiki- Bree: Head
band wig from Amazon, mask will be provided. For the Rest of the outfit follow
Fish guidelines
Disney Movie Magic
Cast List
Tour Guides Welcome Team Family
1 & 7 Evelyn 1 Richard Dad Sam
2,4,&6 Henery 2 Youness Mom Mona
3 &5 John C. 3 Connor G *Kid 1 Kellen Kid 2 Cara
4. Luna
1 Amad 15. James C. Circle of Life Solo’s
2 Riley 16. James C. Naiya & Bree
3 Riley 17. Shilyn I.
4. Nozilla 18. Connor G.
5 Jack P. 19. Jack B.
6. Tyler D. 20. Youness
7. Josh S. 21. Tanari
8. Kathyrn D 22. Evan S.
9. Tyler D. 23. Julia
10. Evan F. 24. Julia
12. Evan F. 25. Dexter
13. Evan S. 26. Tanari
14. Naiya B. 27. Julia
28. Dexter, Tanari & Julia
Disney Characters **Mickey Mouse Team
Donald Duck Jack B Zach, Chyanne, Luna, Mason Cassandra
Mickey Dexter
Mary Poppins Evelyn
*Burt Griffin
*Man Elias
Wife Ava W Disney Characters Continued
*Reporter 1 Rachael Pinnocchio Matt Taylor
Reporter 2 Bengi *Jimmy Cricket Ava P.
*Reporter 3 Sophia Peter Pan Benji
*Baloo Gwen
Mowgli Vivan
*Sebastian Jack P. **Fish Swim Team
*Flounder Anthony Shaylin, Ellar. Ava W. Sophia, Nozilla, Ava P.
*Ariel Ella Naiya, Luna, Bree, Gwen
Disney Movie Magic!
Welcome: (spoken in front of closed curtain)
W 1 Richard : Welcome to Jamesville Elementary School’s
Premiere production of “ Disney Movie Magic”
W 2 Youness: Our show celebrates the wonderful world of Disney
through the amazing songs that make each Disney movie spectacular.
W 3 Connor G.: We are excited to share this show with you tonight.
In order for all of us to enjoy the show, please silence your cell
phones and refrain from flash photography.
W 4 Luna: Our show begins when a family from Jamesville, New York
finally arrive at the famous “ Disney Movie Museum” in Orlando, Florida.
They are about to take a long awaited Guided tour of the Disney Music Museum.
W 1,2, 3& 4: We hope you enjoy the show!
( W 1,2 & 3 exit stage and go to riser positions)
Scene 1 : Beginning of the tour in front of closed curtain
Tour Guide 1, Evelyn: Hello and welcome to the Disney movie museum,
where your dreams come true! Tickets please.
Father: Here you are! ( Hands over tickets)
Tour Guide 1: Oh, I see you have paid for the grand tour tonight ! Lucky dogs!
Tour Guide 2, Henry S.: My collegues, and I will be your tour guides today.
You are in for a special treat!
You are in for a special treat!
Father, Sam D.: Yes, we can hardly wait!
Mother, Mona: We drove all through the night from Jamesville, NY
to make it here in time!
Kid 1 Kellen: (jumping up and down) When is our tour going to start?
( ask over and over again)
( ask over and over again)
Mother: Soon, be patient now!
Kid 2 Cara: ( Whispers loudly) Ummm….. I have to go to the bathroom.
Father: NOT AGAIN! (throws his hands up and walks in a circle)
Mother: UGH! (embarrassed) OK, umm we’ll be right back.
Tour Guide 2: (Annoyed) Well, as soon as they get back we’ll get started.
You will not be disappointed and you’ll find that it was worth the drive!
In fact, I’ll personally guarantee it!
Family: ( Ad lib excited behavior)(YAY, terrific, I can hardly wait !!!)
Mother and Kid 2: Ok, we’re back!
Dad and Kid 1: Finally!
Tour Guide 1&2: Let the tour begin! Right this way, follow us!
(the Family and the Tour guides exit )
(Curtain opens to museum scene and all kids on risers. Family is standing at the side
of stage behind the rope watching and listening to MC’s )
of stage behind the rope watching and listening to MC’s )
MC 1 Amad: Ladies and Gentlemen! Boys and Girls! Children of all ages!
Welcome to the Wonderful World of Disney!
MC 2 Riely: In our museum you will discover 75 years of Disney magic,
and the music that helped to make that magic happen.
MC 3 Riely: During the tour you will see and hear some of the
most famous characters and songs from Disney’s most popular movies come to life,
right in front of your eyes!
MC 4 Nozilla: Yes, Everyone knows a Disney song when they hear one.
From “ The Ballad of Davy Crockett” to “ “Let it Go” a Disney song
is as recognizable as……..( look at Mickey Mouse and Donald Duck
as they enter and begin arguing)
Mickey mouse, Dexter: (arguing) MICKEY MOUSE!
Donald Duck, Jack B.: (arguing) DONALD DUCK!
MC 4: Those guys! (points and rolls eyes)
MC 4: Those guys! (points and rolls eyes)
Mickey Mouse:(arguing) MICKEY MOUSE!
Donald Duck: (arguing) DONALD DUCK!
(Mickey and Donald stop on side of stage and pantomime
arguing as scene continues)
MC 5 Jack P.: Oh brother, (rolls eyes) Mr. Walt Disney died
in 1966, (everyone starts to sniffle and wipe eyes as if crying)
but the legacy he created lives on and on in the movies,
stage shows, television and recordings that bears his name! (everyone shouts “YAY”)
MC 6 Tyler D.: Young and old alike celebrate the music of Disney, yesterday
and today! Now, Without further ado, let's get this tour started!
Mickey mouse: (arguing) MICKEY MOUSE!
Donald Duck: (arguing) DONALD DUCK!
All MC’s : (shaking heads in disapproval) HIT IT!
Mickey Mouse Club
(Mickey, Donald and Dance team)
Who’s the leader of the club that’s made for you and me?
Hey there, Hi there, Ho there, you’re as welcome as can be!
Mickey Mouse, (Donald Duck) Mickey Mouse! (Donald Duck)
Forever let us hold our banner high! (High, high, high!)
Come along and sing a song and join the jamboree!
MICKEY MOUSE! MICKEY M---O--U--S--E-----------!
It’s the Mickey Mouse clubhouse, Come inside, it’s fun inside.
It’s the Mickey Mouse clubhouse. Come inside, it’s fun inside.
Family: (all clap and act like they loved it)
Kid 1: Wow that was great, but I never heard that first part before.
Dad: Well, that was the way the show started when I was a kid.
Kid 2: Wow, that song has been around a LOOOOOng time!
Mom: (annoyed and embarrassed) Shh, that’s not very nice.
MC 7 Josh: Walt Disney knew the power of music, he knew that
to make his movies come alive he needed music !
MC 8 Kathryn: He once said, “ There’s a terrific power to music.”
Kid 1: (whispers to Mom) Hey, Mrs. Russell, my music teacher,
says that too!
(mom smiles and pats kid on the back.)
MC 9 John C : Yes, You can show any of these pictures without music
and they be dragging and boring. ( Yawns and sighs)
But the minute you put music with them, they become full of life
and vitality!
MC 10 Tyler D: Why, you can't think about such hits as
Pinocchio, and Peter Pan without thinking about the music!
Remember these famous hits!?
Pinocchio, Matthew T : I just want to be a real boy.
Jimmy Cricket, Ava P: ( speaks to Pinnochio)
Remember Pinocchio, when you wish upon a star, your dreams can
come true.
Jimmy solo (sings to Pinnochio) “When You Wish Upon a Star"
Kid 2: I love that song!
Dad: Me too!
Family : Hey look it’s Peter Pan!
Peter pan, Benji: (enters and shouts) Hey everybody Look, I Can FLY!
(flies around the stage)
You can Fly!
(Chorus sings last 8 bars of “You can Fly”)
Family: Whoa! That was awesome! (clap fiercely)
MC 11 Evan F.: In the 1960’s, Walt Disney met the incomparable brothers,
Richard and Robert Sherman.
MC 12 Evan F.: These two brothers wrote more than 200 Disney songs,
many of them became true Disney classics.
MC 13 Evan S.: If you have ever visited Disneyland or Disney-world,
and you've had, “It’s a Small World After All", spinning over and over
in your head for weeks after returning home, it’s the Sherman
brothers you should….. Er…. thank ( use air quotes on “ thank”) for that.
MC 14 Naiya: And if you ever went home after watching Walt Disney’s
movie Mary Poppins and felt just “ Supercalifragilisticexpialidocious’
then you know the power of the Sherman brother’s music.
From Mary Poppins
Mary, Burt, Man and Wife, Reporters
Spoken before song begins:
Reporter 1, Rachael: Congratulations on winning the race, Mary!
Reporter 2 Benji: Why, I have never seen anything like it!
Reporter 3 Sophia: I bet words can't describe how you are feeling right now!
Mary, Evelyn: Oh, on the contrary, I have a very good word for this feeling, right Burt?
Burt, Griffin: Ah yes, a very good word, go ahead,lets them what it is!
Mary: Well, alright then.... Let's tell them!
Chorus: Supercalifragilisticexpialidocious, even though the sound
of it is something quite atrocious, if you say it loud enough, you’ll always
sound precocious. Supercalifragilisticexpialidocious
Chorus: Um diddle diddle diddle, um diddle ay!
Um diddle diddle diddle, um diddle ay!
Burt: Griffin
Because I was afraid to speak when I was just a lad, me father gave me nose a tweak
and told me I was bad.
and told me I was bad.
But Then one day I learned a word that saved me achin’ nose the biggest word you ever
heard and this is how it goes. (refrain)
heard and this is how it goes. (refrain)
Reporter 1: Racheal;He traveled all around the world and everywhere he went,
He’d use this word and all would say “ there goes a clever gent!
He’d use this word and all would say “ there goes a clever gent!
(Kid 1 runs over and joins with Reporter 2)
Reporter 2 Benji & Kellen: When dukes and ma’arajas come to pass the time with me,
I say my special word and then they ask me out to tea! (they hive 5 and Kid 2 runs
back and joins family)
back and joins family)
Chorus: supercalifragilisticexpialidocious, even though the sound of it is
something quite atrocious, if you say it loud enough, you’ll always sound precocious.
Um diddle diddle diddle, um diddle ay! Um diddle diddle diddle, um diddle ay!
Mary: You know, you can say it backwards, which is
suoicodilaipxecitsiligarfilacrepus,*, but that’s going a bit too far, don’t you think?
suoicodilaipxecitsiligarfilacrepus,*, but that’s going a bit too far, don’t you think?
Burt: Oh. Indeed I do!
Reporter 3 Sophia: So when the cat has got your tongue, there’s no need for dismay. Just summon up this word and then you’ve got a lot to say.
Man, Elias: But better use it carefully or it could change your life.
One night I said it to me girl and now me girl’s me wife!
Wife, Ava W.: Come along dear… (pull Man by the tie, then pretend to get married)
Chorus: She's Supercalifragilisticexpialidocious (3 times)
(*Doh-shus-ally-ex-pee-istik-fajee-kally-rupus: is the pronunciation of backwards
Family: WOW, Bravo!! ( ad lib)
MC 15 James C.: Next up on our tour we will visit the set of the “Jungle Book”.
Family: Cool ( ad lib)
Kid 1: Ooo that’s my favorite… I love Mowgli and Baloo!
MC 16 James C.: Jungle Book came out in 1967, over 50 years ago!
Kid 2: Whoa, (look at Mom) they had movies back then? (Mom looks disgusted)
MC 17 Shailyn : In this unforgettable movie, we learn lessons that we’ll
never forget.
MC 18 Connor G.: Like being grateful for the little things in life; we should be
thankful for the “Bare Necessities”
MC 19 Jack B.: In the movie,Jungle Book, Baloo, the bear, reminds us to
“forget about your worries and your strife” and concentrate on the
things that really matter in life… when you do that,
the “bare necessities may come to you!
The Bare Necessities
from " The Jungle Book"
(Baloo and Mowgli)
(spoken to Mowgli before song)
Mowgli, Vivaan: Oh Baloo, My heart is heavy with the things I do not understand.
Baloo, Gwen: Look, its like this Little Britches:
Baloo solo: Look for the bare necessities, the simple bare necessities;
forget about your worries and your strife. I mean the bare necessities,
or Mother Nature’s recipes that bring the bare necessities of life.
forget about your worries and your strife. I mean the bare necessities,
or Mother Nature’s recipes that bring the bare necessities of life.
Whenever I wander, wherever I roam. I couldn’t be fonder, of my big home.
The bees are buzzin’ in the tree to make some
The bees are buzzin’ in the tree to make some
Honey just for me. When you look under the rocks and plants and take a glance
at the fancy ants, then maybe try a few.
at the fancy ants, then maybe try a few.
The bare necessities of life will come to you. They’ll come to you
Mowgli: (spoken) They'll come to me?
Baloo Solo: They'll come to you.
Chorus: Look for the bare necessities, the simple bare necessities; forget about
your worries and your strife. I mean the bare necessities, or Mother Nature's recipes
that bring the bear necessities of life.
Whenever I wander, wherever I roam. I couldn’t be fonder, of my big home.
The bees are buzzin’ in the tree to make some Honey just for me.
When you look under the rocks and plants and take
a glance at the fancy ants, then maybe try a few.
The bare necessities of life will come to you
Mowgli: (Spoken) They’ll come to me!
Chorus: They'll come to you, They’ll come to you.
ALL: Yeah!
Family: Bravo, Bravo, ( clap and ad lib excited phrases)
Kid 1: Wow, that bear sure can sing!
Kid 2: yeah ... who knew!
Tour Guide 3 John C: Thank you Baloo and Mowgli!
Tour Guide 4 Henry: Next up on the tour, we have an Carribean love story,
"The Little Mermaid".
Mom: Oh I love a good love story.( acts all gushy, and tries to hug Dad)
Dad: Oh brother!
Kid1 & 2: Ewwww, GROSS!
MC 20 Youness: In 1989, the music of the movie, “The Little Mermaid”
won the Academy Award for best musical score.
MC 21 Tanari: One of the most memorable songs in that film is sung
by a crab, named Sebastian.
Family: A CRAB? (looking confused)
MC 22 Evan S.: Hey, why not, after all, its Disney! As Sebastian sings about life
“ Under the Sea", we are reminded of how the wonderful magic of
Disney can make anything seem real.
Tour guide 4 Henry: Our next scene Sebastian and Flounder are trying to convince
Ariel that living “ Under the Sea” is all that and a bag of chips!
Ariel that living “ Under the Sea” is all that and a bag of chips!
Under the Sea
from: The Little Mermaid
(Sebastian, Ariel and Fish swim team!)
Ariel, Ella K.: Oh Sebastian, I just have to see Prince Eric again.
But I just don’t know how, my Father forbade me from
seeing him….hum…(she wander around, thinking)
I've got it, I've got a plan to meet Prince Eric! I'll swim up to his Castle,
then Flounder can splash around to get his attention, and then I'll....
Sebastian, Jack P.: ( interrupts her last word...)No, no Ariel, Down here
is your Home!
Listen to me, the human world is a mess!
Flounder, Anthony: Yeah! Under the sea is way better than anything
they got up there!
Sebastian and Flounder: Take it from us kid.....
Sebastian solo: The seaweed is always greener in somebody
else’s lake.
You dream about goin' up there, but that is a big mistake.
Just look at the world around you, right here on the ocean floor.
Such wonderful things surround you, what more is you lookin’ for?
Chorus: (enter fish team) Under the sea, Under the sea darlin’ it’s better
down where it’s wetter,
take it from me. Up on the shore they work all day.
Out in the sun they slave away, while we devotin’ full time
to floatin’ under the sea.
Flounder solo:
Down here all the fish is happy, as off through the waves they roll.
The fish on the land ain’t happy. They sad ‘cause they in the bowl.
But fish in the bowl is lucky, they in for a worser fate.
One day when the boss get hungry.
Guess who goin’ Be on the plate?
Chorus: Under the sea, Under the sea darlin’ it’s better down where
it’s wetter, take it from me. Nobody beat us, fry us and eat us in fricassee.
Fish swim team:Shaylin, Ella R.,Ava P., Sophia, Nozilla, Ava W.,
Rachal, Nyia, Bree, Gwen, Luna:
Rachal, Nyia, Bree, Gwen, Luna:
We what the land folks loves to cook.
Under the sea we off the hook. We got no troubles,
life is the bubbles under the sea.
Chorus: Under the sea, Under the sea. When the sardine begin
Chorus: Under the sea, Under the sea. When the sardine begin
the beguine,it’s music to me. What do they got, a lot of sand?
We got a hot crustacean band.
Ariel solo: Each little clam here know how to jam here under the sea.
Sebastian and Flounder:
Each little slug here cuttin’ rug here under the sea
Fish Swim Team: Each little snail here know how to wail here.
Chorus: That’s why it’s hotter under the water.
Ya, we in luck here down in the muck here under the sea!
Family: (Claps wildly ad lib phrases of awe) (Amazing, such great music!..etc.)
Mom: That song was so sassy! I could sing that song all night
and all day long!!
DAD and kid 1&2: (begging and pleading) Oh no, please don’t do that.
Tour Guide 5 John C.: Well, if you got a part in a Disney movie, you could do that,
‘causein a Disney movie, the music just never seems to stop.
‘causein a Disney movie, the music just never seems to stop.
MC 23 Julia : In a Disney movie, the music keeps humming
‘round and ‘round. There just can’t be a Disney film without
the music.
Mom: I couldn’t even imagine a Disney film without music.
Dad: Yeah, that would be terrible. The music gives the movie life.
MC 24 Julia: Yes, It’s like a circle, “The Circle of Life”.
MC 25 Dexter: Disney music can move us all “through despair and hope,...
MC 26 Tanari: ...and through faith and love, ...
MC 27 Julia: ...till we find our place on a path unwinding….
MC 28 Dexter, Tanari & Julia: … the circle, the circle of life”
The Circle of Life
From: The Lion King
Solo, Niaya : From the day we arrive on the planet
And blinking, step into the sun
There's more to be seen than can ever be seen
More to do than can ever be done
Solo, Bree: There's far too much to take in here
More to find than can ever be found
But the sun rolling high through the sapphire sky
Keeps great and small on the endless round
It’s the circle of life, and it moves us all
Through despair and hope
Through faith and love
Til we find our place, on the path unwinding,
In the circle, the circle of life.
Family: ( Clap, wiping tears away and ad lib that was beautiful.)
Tour Guide 5: Bravo everyone. We’ll folks, that concludes our Tour for today.
Tour Guide 6: We hope you enjoyed your visit at the Disney Movie Museum.
Dad: Oh yes, it was fabulous!
Kid 1: I had so much fun learning about the music in all my favorite Disney movies!
Kid 2: Yeah, it was great! (say like Tony the Tiger)
Mother: Thank you for an amazing day. It was definitely worth the trip!
Tour Guide 7: Well, That’s the magic of the…...
CAST: ….Wonderful World of Disney!
Mickey Mouse Mash-up
Reprise with Bows
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