Kid Flix 2019

KID FLIX will be performed on 
February 13, 2019 at 6:30 PM 
All students are involved in the show and should arrive at school on February 13, 2019 at 6:00 PM in order to prepare for the show.

More information will follow! 

Memorize your part of the script, practice the songs and our choreography.  At the end of the blog, there is a link to a video so you can practice the songs with the music! See you in rehearsal!

Day 4 and 6 there will be rehearsals at recess time for specific groups!  They will be announced!

Kid Flix
By John Jacobson
Adapted by Mrs. Russell

Scene 1

Sion: Speaker 1:  Welcome to our program everybody!  We are very glad you are
Here! We have a really great show for you, a really great show!
Ryan Speaker 2: Today we celebrate one of the greatest American traditions.
Logan: Speaker 2B:Today we're going to the movies!
All:  Yay!
Murphy: Speaker 3: Now, we realize that more and more people can watch the latest
movies right in the comfort of their own home.
Griffin: Speaker 4:  But, there is nothing like getting together with your friends,
heading down to the local cinemas, buying a barrel of $12 - I mean,
buttery - popcorn, and settling in to catch the latest Silver Screen!
Ryan: Speaker 5:  We sit in the dark and share laughter and tears, gasps and screams,
cheers and Boos and, yes, $12 popcorn. But for a couple of hours
we are taken away transported to places both real and Make-Believe.
Murphy: Speaker 6:  Afterwards, we exit the theater ready to face the real world again,
Sion: And, just like those crazy characters the movie ,“Zootopia”, we are ready again to “Try Everything”

Song: “Try Everything”

Scene 2

Nick: Speaker 7:  I think that one of the best times to go to the movies is on a cold
winter day, When all you want to do is snuggle into a nice warm theater to take a 2-hour
vacation from the cold and darkness of the season.
Ava R: Friend 1:  Oh Yes, I like going to the movies on days like that!
Taig: Friend 2:  Me too! When are we going?
Ava R.: Friend 3:   Right now! Let’s go get the rest of the gang, and then
head to the movies!!  
Taig: Friend 4:  Well, what are we waiting for?  Lets Go!

Scene 3:

Samya: Speaker 10:  In the movies, we can experience life on other planets!
We can even experience life on our planet!
Liliana: Speaker 12:  We experience happiness and sadness, love and romance.
All:  EWWWW!
Zain: Speaker 13:   We are able to travel through time or to other places
from the safety of our seats in the theater.
It's kinda like a time machine!
Chanu: Speaker 14: Sometimes we are reminded of the most important things in
life, like honor and duty….
Evan: Speaker 15:  Courage and compassion….
Taylor: Speaker 16:  family and friends.
Kavya: Speaker 17:  In the movies, even monsters can remind us of how
important it is to have friends you can count on.  

Song 3:  “If I Didn’t Have You”

Scene 4
(All the friends arrive at the movie theatre)

Jack L.: Friend 5:  Yay, we are finally here!   What movie shall we see?
Owen: Billy:  (not paying attention to his friends, just the snack bar)
Whoa!!! Look at all the SNACKS! (looks at John and says) Quick, Give me $12.00
Taig: Friend 6:  what? NO WAY!
Owen: Billy:  Quickly please!! (Runs to get a bucket of popcorn, friend watch him)  
( Billy heads back to his friends, eating the popcorn and with a mouthful says)
You just have to have popcorn at the movies!
All Friends:  Oh brother!
Mariana: Friend 7: So, what’s your favorite kind of movie?
Natalie: Friend 8: I like comedies- the crazier, the better.
Mia: Friend 9:  I like adventure and action - the wilder, the better.
Analise: Friend 10:  I like suspenseful movies- the scarier, the better!
Amelia: Friend 11: Well, I don’t like any of those, I like Love stories- the more romantic, the better.  
All: Ewwwwww!

Cayden: Friend 12: Come on, Lets go before we miss the show!

(They head off stage talking about which movie to see and eating popcorn)  

Cathy: Speaker 18: In the movies, we can imagine ourselves solving a great crime like
the infamous Sherlock Holmes.
Rohan: Sherlock Holmes:  Hello, My name is Sherlock Holmes.  It is my business to know
what other people don’t know.
Ailey: Speaker 19:  We even can imagine, taking on an army of evil Warriors and coming out of either side with
hardly a scratch like Jason Bourne.
Ailey: Speaker 20: Or, we can strive to be smart, fierce, loyal and driven like Hermione
Granger in the Harry Potter movies.
Jiwon: Speakers 21:   We can even scale a wall with only our bare hands and shoot webs from our wrists,
and swing from tall buildings…...just like Spider-Man!

Song “ Theme From Spiderman”
(Spiderman and criminals act out a skit during the song)

Brayden: Speaker 22: Life wouldn’t be the same if we didn't have the great Heroes and
heroines of the Disney movies.
Karim: Speaker 23:  The classic characters like  Mary Poppins and Snow White,
Marissa: Speaker 24: Cinderella and Alice In Wonderland are Still popular and we can still
hear their famous lines.  
Caleigh: Cinderella: (enters doing the princess wave) “ Have courage and be kind, where
there is kindness, there is goodness, and where there is goodness, there is magic”.  
Amelia: Mary Poppins:  (enters waving and starts singing)  “Just a spoonful of Sugar…….”!
Hayley: Snow White:  (enters waving and says) “ Someday my prince will come”  
Maria: Alice in Wonderland: (enters and says)  “ The Queen of Hearts, she made some
tarts, all on a summer day.  The Knave of Hearts, he stole those tarts, and
took them quiet away!”
Nick: Speaker 25:  Recently, the Heroines of the stories are stronger and braver than
ever!  We have, Belle from Beauty and the Beast.
Liliana: Belle:     “ He’s no monster Gaston, You are!”
Ethan: Speaker 26:  Jasmine from Aladdin.
Madelyn: Jasmine:  “ Sometimes we only see how people are different from us, but if you
look hard enough, you can see how much we’re all alike.”
Julia: Speaker 27:  Who could forget Elsa, the snow queen in Frozen.
Gia: Elsa:    ( enters singing)   Let it go!”
Jonah: Speaker 28:  And now, most recently,  the courageous and ever-determined
heroine of the South Seas --Moana!
Jenna: Moana:  I am Moana, Did you know that the ocean is a friend of mine!

Song “ We Know the Way”
(Moana and hula dancers)

Scene 6

Sam W.: Speaker 29:  Well that just about wraps up our tribute to the movies,
we hope you
have enjoyed our presentation.

(All friends enter stage left talking about how awesome the movies were! AD LIB)  

Owen: Billy:  ( Moaning like he has a stomach ache) ohhhhhhhhh!
Rena: Friend 13:   What is it, Billy what's the matter?
Owen: Billy:   I think I ate too much popcorn.
Rena: Friend 14;   Was it just popcorn or did you have something else?
Owen: Billy;   Well, there was that box of Good and Plenty, and some red Licorice,
and a
bag of M&M's yes, and a gallon of soda…
Natalie: Friend 15:   Well, no wonder you feel sick!
Madison & Giovanna: Speaker 30A:  Hey, I think we can help.  
Owen: Billy:   Really, how?
Grace & Gabby Speaker 30 B: With some advice, Listen up!
Owen: Billy :  HUGH?
Vandit: Speaker 31:  Well, If you've been sitting around watching a movie and eating
too much of, well every, just take a hint from yet another movie hit.
Owen: Billy:   What movie are you talking about?
Jannah: Speaker 32: He is talking about the Peanuts movie and the advice they give
to all of us.
Billy;  Oh yeah?  What's that
Kids from 6 Speaker to 33:   “It's better when I'm dancing”
Owen: Billy:   (Smiling) Wow! I feel better already!  (Billy starts to dance and sing)
It’s better when I’m dancing!
Sara B.: Speaker 34:  Of course you do because that's what movies can do for you!

Song: “ Better When I’m Dancing”

Scene 7:  

Zayd: Speaker 35:   We hope you enjoyed your evening!
Beau: Speaker 35 B:  And exploring all the ways movies can move you!
Carson: Speaker 36:  Remember, if you need a pick me up, or an adventure, or a
sappy love story, just head out to your local movie theater, get your bucket of gourmet
popcorn and sit back and enjoy!
Sara B.: Speaker 37:  And don’t be afraid to step out of your comfort zone and
remember its Better when you're dancing!  
Logan: Speaker 38:  In the words of the wise porky the pig Blep, blep blep,
All:        “ that’s all folks!
Song:  Reprise: “Better When I'm Dancing"


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