Dig it script

Dig It !

Scene 1:  November 30, 1974

1.Taki:Whoa! It’s dark in here.  This is scary… there it is!  This way, I am telling you, this is the best thing you’ve ever seen!
1.Tut:  But Taki, I can’t see a thing!  Ethiopia is scary in the dark!
2.Taki: Your basement is scary in the dark to you, Tut. You have got to see what we
            Found yesterday.  I am telling you, it must be the greatest archeological discovery ever!
1.Tut:  But why do we have to look for it in the dark?
2.Taki: Because Doctor Gray and Doctor Johanson probably wouldn’t like us poking around their dig before they announce their discovery.  Besides, it’s spookier this way.  This is a show ya know!

(Gradually the lights are seen backing toward one another downstage center.  They bump into a skeleton that is hanging up centerstage.  They both scream!)

all Takki &
Tut:     AHHHHH!
2. Tut: (very frightened) Wha….Wha….what is it, Taki!
3.Taki: It’s bones! Tut, bones!  And according to my best carbon dating, they are more than 3 million years old! 
3.Tut:  Wow!  Three million years old.  That makes it one of the oldest skeletons ever found.  Can I touch it? 
3.Taki: We..e…ll, I don’t know if that’s a very good idea. 

(Tut slowly reaches up to touch the skeleton anyway.  As he does so, the skeleton, Lucy, comes alive. )

1,2&3 Tut:      What was that?
1. Taki:            I don’t know, but it’s not funny.
1.Tut:  Who’s laughing?

    (Taki reaches up and touches the skeleton under her chin.)

Lucy:   (giggles)  Hee hee hee… Ah, cut it out
All Taki and Tut:  (Jump back again.)  YIKES!
2. Taki:(to Tut)  Cut what out?  What are you talking about?
2. Tut: I didn’t say anything!

  (They both look slowly at Lucy.  They lean their faces in very close to hers to get a   closer look.)

1&2 Lucy:       Boo!
All Taki and Tut:  Ahhhhhhhha! 
(They run into each other and fall down.)
(Lucy move freely now and stands between the two of them, laughing)

1.Lucy: Hello kids!  My name is Lucy!  And this is my friend--------
2.Lucy: Pleased to meet you,  What’s your names?

(after a moment’s hesitation, Taki and Tut look at he audience and scream again)

All :Taki and Tut:       Ahhhhh!
2.Lucy:            Kinda jumpy, aren’t you guys?  What’s the matter?  Haven’t you ever seen a real fossil before?
Taki and Tut:  (hesitate, then scream)  Ahhhhhh!
1.Lucy:(rolling her eyes) Good grief!  Look, we’ve been lying around here for 3 million years.  I’ve got calcium deposits older than the two of you.  Can’t we just be friends?
3.Tut;  but you’re a…a….skeleton!
2.Lucy:            (Sarcastically, talking to the audience) Boy, we’ve got a smart one here! Is that your final answer or do you wanna use a lifeline!  (She laughs at her own joke)
3.Taki: But skeletons can’t talk …..can they?
2.Lucy:            (playing dumb)   Duh!  Well , I don’t know. Let’s see…. Am, I talking or not?  Wait ‘til I decide to sing!  You ain’t heard nothin’ yet!
AllTut and Taki:   (Slowly together)  Wow!
1.Lucy:  In a way, all fossils can talk.  By studying us, you can tell a whole lot about things that happened in the world a long time ago. 
1.Taki:             Yeah, I know that by studying what happened in the past is a good way to learn about where we came from!
1.Tut:  Right, but we can also learn where we are and where we are going!
1&2Lucy:Now you’re talking.
Lucy, Taki& Tut:  Hi I am ----------(Lucy, Taki and Tut introduce themselves and shake hands.)
1.Lucy:Charmed, I’m sure.  Now, come on!  Let my friends and me show you a little of what has happened in the world since we lay down here so long, long ago.
2.Lucy:  Yeah, Let’s give them the grand tour, Lets go!
allTaki & Tut: Weird, totally weird!

Song #1                                  “So Long Ago”

If you really want to know, pay attention to our show when you do, we think you'll see, you can learn from history.

We can look at Greece or Rome and the folks who called it home. If you give your brain a turn there is just so much to learn from long ago! So long ago
Gee it happened long ago

We can travel up the Nile, take a cruise in Egyptian style! Maybe hike on the Great Wall, if you'll like "do it all. There's so much to history, take a tip from Ptolemy, from Iraq to Hackensack, this is your chance to go back to long ago!

Yeah, it happened long ago! Yeah, it happened long ago! Yeah, I have to want to go! Gee it happened long ago 

** what can we learn from the past that that we don't already know? What will we see, what will we hear, when we dance back through the years?

So long ago yeah, it happened long ago! Yeah It happened long ago! yeah It happened long ago, gee it happened long ago


Scene 2:  Mesopotamia:
(Lucy, Tut and Taki are on one side of the stage, watching the action)

2.Taki:             Wow!  Lucy are some interesting friends you have there .
1.Lucy:            Well, what do you expect.  Most of them have heads the size of a baseball

(All the skeletons glare at Lucy as though they have been insulted and exit.  The stage is filling with dwellers of early Mesopotamia.  They have hoes to garden with, baskets full of goods, shepherd staves, etc.)

2.Tut:              Who are those people over there?
2.Lucy:            Ahh, good question, Tut!  Those are the Sumerians from the land of Mesopotamia.  What you’re seeing is pretty typical for 3000 B.C.  That guy over there is the famous Gilgamesh.

((Lucy, Tut and Taki watch the scene unfold)

Gilgamesh:  (flamboyant and stuffy upper crust, King of the city of Uruk…..Clapping his hands to get everyone’s attention) People! People!  Work with me now!  We’ve got to work together!
(All of the farmers and nomads, merchants gather, stop and pay attention to him)

Worker #1:    Who died and made him King?
Worker #2:    Yeah, who does he think he is?
Gilgamesh:      I heard that!  Now look, I know you’re all used to working independently and getting a long just fine.  But, it’s 110 degrees here and this land is as dry as a desert.
Enkidu:           Sir! Sir!
Gilgamesh:     What is it, Enkidu, my valiant friend and servant?
Enkidu:           ( whispers in his ear. )  Sir, this IS a desert!
Gilgamesh:     Right, Right you are Enkidu.  This Is a desert!  But if we just work together a little bit, I think we can survive here and maybe even create one of the first great civilizations!
Workers:        (Mumble and grumble in disbelief ….ad lib.) No way, impossible, What’s a civilization?
Enkidu:           Now, Now, Gilgamesh is right, everybody.  Working together, we can make sure that nobody messes with Meopotamia!
Gilgamesh:     Now, look, we’ve got rivers on both sides of this plain that gives us a great water supply.  And what are they called?
Workers:        (Proudly)  Rivers!
Gilgamesh:     (exasperated)  NO, NO, I KNOW THAT!  What are the NAMES of the Rivers?
Workers:        (spoken as though reciting something they’ve said a hundred times)  The Tigrus and Euphrates.
Gilgamesh:     “A” plus!  They have allowed our production of farm goods to go way up.  Good for us!
Worker #3:    But sir, we have a big problem…
Gilgamesh:     Problem, what Problem?
Enkidu:           Well sir, the problem is that we need a more efficient way to transport our product to market to see and trade. 
Gilgamesh:     Ahh,  Right you are……..(sarcastically) again.  Well, Does anyone have any brilliant ideas?

Inventor:        (rolling a wooden wheel infront of him)  Sir, if I might suggest…. I’ve been working on a small, round invention that I think might have some great possibilities.
Gilgamesh:     (looking doubtfully at the wheel)   Humm…..I can’t see it myself, but let’s go ahead and give it a try.  Now what’s next?
Maker:            (holding a bulla—a football-shaped vessel with tokens inside)   Well, sir, I’ve been working on a system of currency that I think might help us keep track of what we trade and what we owe. 
Gilgamesh:     (he takes the bulla, looks at it an puts it into his pocket)   A capitol idea!  Write it down!
Worker#4:     (all workers look at each other, very confused)  Write it down? (ad lib..what is he talking about, he’s crazy…..) What are you talking about?
Enkidu:           Write it down, sir?
Gilgamesh:     (Peturbed) Figure it out Enkidu, I can’t do everything! (happy again)  I’m so proud of all of you!  At this rate, we should be able to build a civilization that lasts for thousands of year, right here between our own two beautiful rivers!

Song #2:                  THE LAND BETWEEN TWO RIVERS”

Rivers flow; makes things grow. Living through all kinds of weather. We all know the seeds we’ll so are bringing the people to gather.
Two Rivers; many people come together on the land one vision; all people the land between two rivers is our home.

Day by day, year-by-year, building a land like no other. Never stop, never fear.  Build for your sister and brother.

Two Rivers; (two rivers) many people(many people) come together on the land
one vision;  (one vision) all people (all people) the land between two rivers is our home.

Narrator:  In the land between two rivers the creative and intelligent Summerians built farming villages and irrigation systems from as early as 5,000BC.  Archeologists have even found evidence of great cities and a very complex civilization As early as 3500 BC farmers produced food. City dwellers where brick layers, canal builders, butchers, potters and more. The Mesopotamian plane gave rise to one of the first great civilizations. And it all happened on the land between two rivers ***.

 The land between two rivers is our home.  Two rivers (two rivers) many people (many people) come together on the land.
 one vision; (one vision)  all people (all people) the land between two rivers is our home.
We are home!


Scene 3  Egypt:

(The Mesopotamians exit and Egyptian laborers begin slowly entering .They are carrying square and other shaped “rocks”  or boxes that they will gradually put together into a pyramid.)

3.Tut:  Who do we get to see next, Lucy?
3.Taki: Yeah I never knew history could be so so alive!
2.Lucy:            Alive well, we’ll see about that. Listen up!
3.Tut:  Wow, they look pretty good considering they lived 4000 years ago!

(The trio watches the scene centerstage)

Imhotep:    (very worried) King Zoser! Green is scarce.
Peasant 1:      (in anguish)  I’ve got no grain!
Imhotep:        The fruit has all dried up.
Peasant 2:      (desperate) Look at my fruit!  It’s completely dried up!
Imhotep:        People are so desperate that they are robbing their neighbors.

(Two peasants are standing together. One is holding a sandwich)

Peasant 3:      Wow look at that!

As the peasant, that is holding a sandwich, looks to where he is pointing , the speaker steals his sandwich and runs away.  The other chases him)

(Children start to cry and old people wail in agony, “Woe is me! Woe is me !”

All Peasant children : There is no hope, (they begin to cry, loudly!)
All Peasants:  What are we going to do!
Imhotep:        Children are crying and old people are as sad as can be!  We need to do something!
Zoser:              (very happy )  I know!   Build me a pyramid! 

(Imhotep and the rest of the cast look at the audience in disbelief.)

 Zoser:             ( Very serious)   But first, I must learn the name of the God of the Nile.  Then we can offer sacrifices to that god and he will help us.  Everybody!  (all stop moving and look at him )   Go to sleep at once!

( Everybody goes to sleep.  Dream music plays .  Enter KHNUM.  )

Khunum:        ( in a big god-like voice )   I am Khnum.  That’s   K-H-N-U-M.  The H is silent.  I know the river Nile.  When it covers the fields, it gives them life.  Now the Nile will pour over the land without stopping.  Plants will grow, bowing down with fruit.  The years of starvation will be over.  Thank you and good night!

( Khunum exits, music stops and everybody wakes up)

Zoser:              Ladies and gentlemen, my fellow Egyptians.  I have had a marvelous and rather brief dream. The name of the god of the Nile is Khunum That's K– H – Oh never mind. We must offer him gifts. The years of hunger have ended. Now we can build the great Egyptian civilization that people will talk about for generations to come. I know you’re hungry, but first things first. So, we’ll start with a giant pyramid. Which shall be my tomb!        ( All cheer)

Song# 3                                              In My Tomb”

There I was just sitting by the Nile.  Long came a Pharoah and he stayed a while.  Said, “Build a
pyramid clear up to the sky.  So I have a place to lay me down if ever I should die.”

In my Tomb..  In my Tomb…

Got to get ready for the afterlife  I’d like to take some guards along and my newest wife! Now I’ll have to have some food, but I won’t need a car.  Put my drinks in an urn and my organs in a jar. 

In my tomb……In my tomb…..
In my tomb….

I like a lot of jewelry and if I have a vote, put me in a mask and don’t forget a boat!  Bury me with gold and a million candle sticks. They can learn a lot about me with your hieroglyphics! 

In my tomb……In my tomb…..
In my tomb….
     Mummy:  You heard from my esophagus!  Now work on my sarcophagus!
            Zoser:  I want my mummy!  I really want my mummy!

I like a lot of jewelry and if I have a vote, put me in a mask and don’t forget a boat!  Bury me with gold and a million candle sticks. They can learn a lot about me with your hieroglyphics! 

In my tomb……In my tomb…..In my tomb….

(after song is over)

1.Taki:             Wow! I never realize the ancient Egypt dominated the earth for like 3000 years!
1.Lucy:            Well, not the entire earth, Taki. But they really were an amazing civilization.
1.Tut:              what else was going on at that time that could possibly be as exciting as building pyramids?
2.Lucy:            Tut, Tut little Tut!  Good question. And to help me answer it, Let’ take a look right over there.  You see in front of you ancient Greek playwright Sophocles, who is trying to get his actors to act!  Let’s see how its going.


Scene 5: Greece

(A group of course there’s enter wearing Greek style togas they might also wear masks
as they are the Greek chorus. They speak rhythmically in unison all the time.)

Sophocles:      (like the director of a play) no no, that will never do! Nobody will believe you if you don’t give it more emotion!   Now please one more time with feeling!

Chorus:           (with  more emphasis, over-acting like crazy)

Herodotus:     How is it going, Sophocles? Is the play almost finished?
Sophocles:      Terrible, just terrible Herodotus. The play festival in Athens is less than a week away and I can’t get the chorus to work together for anything!
Herodotus:     Well, what’s the new play about anyway?
Sophocles:      It’s supposed to be about all the wonderful things about Greece that will be around for thousands of years after we are all dead and gone.
Herodotus:     Sounds interesting!
Sophocles:      It is interesting. But I can’t seem to come up with the right hook to tie it all together.
Herodotus:     How about …….(dramatically as though he sees the name in lights)  “The Odyssey?
Sophocles:      No.  Homer beat me to it. 
Herodotus:     How about (with lots of drama)  “Greece: The Musical!”
Sophocles:      It’ll never fly.
&Herodotus:  (Scratching their heads). Hummmmmm!
Sophocles:      What, what did you say?
&Herodotus:  That’s it!

Chorus:           GLAD YOU THOUGHT OF IT. (entire chorus rolls their eyes)

Song #5                   “Greece is the Word”

There are so many groovy things that we got from the Greeks:
Comedy and Tragedy and even words we speak.  I could tell you all of them but it would take a week And though it all may seem absurd:  Greece is the word!

So you see there really is so very much to learn. What is an Acropolis and What’s a Grecian Urn?
Everything is Greek to me so Greece is my concern.  Why don’t you take a turn?  For Greece is the word!

Ay yi yi yi, everybody dance.  Ai yi yi yi, come and take a chance.  Ay yi yi yi stamp and clap your hand  Do the Grecian dance along with me!

From them cam Olympic and the first democracy not to mention Baklava and even botany.  Architects and algebra and Antigone.  I think it’s plain to see.  Greece is the word!  So you see there really is so very much to learn What is an Acropolis and what’s a Grecian urn?  Everything is Greek to me so Greece is my concern  Why don’t you take a turn?  For Greece is the word! 

Ay yi yi yi, everybody dance.  Ai yi yi yi, come and take a chance.  Ay yi yi yi stamp and clap your hand Do the Grecian dance along with me!   (3x)



Scene 6: Rome

2.Taki:             Gee, I had no idea the ancient Greece had such a lasting effect on the world.
2.Tut:              This is just great, Lucy. No bones about it, you really know your stuff. Get it? No bones about it?? Get it?
2.Lucy:            I get it. (Turning her back on Tut) you are right, Taki, Greece did have a huge impact on the world, as did the ancient Romans.
3.Tut:              Oh, I remember! The Romans were the first to try a real republic.
1.Lucy:            Not to mention expanding to one of the most powerful empires that ever existed. Why, you can still see signs of ancient Rome as far away as Morocco, Iraq and even England.
All Taki &
Tut:                 WOW!!!
1.Lucy:            Wow is right! And legend says it well started with twin brothers and their dream to build a city.

                        (Romulus and Remus begin are you doing at center-stage)

Remus:           No, Romulus! I’m telling you, I had a dream. And in this dream I saw six vultures flying over the exact spot where we should build the city.
Romulus:        No, Remus! I too had a dream. And in my dream I saw 12 vultures flying over the spot where we were found as babies in the basket and raised by the wolf.  12 is more than 6, and so that is where we should build the city!
Remus:           6 is an omen from the gods that the spot I chose is right!
Romulus:        12 is a BIGGER omen!
Remus:           6!
Romulus:        12!
Remus:           6!
Romulus:        12!
Remus:           I’m telling Mom!
Romulus:        What does she care, she’s a wolf. For Pete’s sake! (Matter-of-factly) Now, I must kill you with this rock.
(Romulus picks up a rock and hit Remus over the head with it. Remus dies a very dramatic death)

Romulus:        (Proudly, he unrolls blueprints, envisioning the city)  And I’ll call it
(A couple of Romans walk in.)
Roman #1:     Hey Romulus, how’s Rome coming along?
Roman#2:      Yeah, Romulus, heard you were having some problems with your aqueducts?
Romulus:        Look guys?  It can’t be built in a day, you know.
Roman#3:      No need to be snippy, Romulus!
Roman #1:     I just hope it’s ready for Caesar’s big bash on Saturday night!
Roman #4:     Oh rats! I forgot all about the big party; and I don’t have a thing to wear!
Roman #3:     Don’t worry, the word is out that dress is white toga, so you’re all set
Roman #2:     Togas! Great! I’ve got a linen closet full of them!
Roman #1:     Well then, what are we waiting for?
Roman #3:     (with enthusiasm) Let’s go! (all run out except 2&4)
Roman #2&4 Yeah, what are we waiting for.  Hey, Wait for us!!! (run off stage)

Song #6:                  “Toga Party Tonight”
Come on everybody, can't you feel the beat,  grab a chum and have some fun toga party tonight.  Here's your invitation, dressed to beat the heat, get a sheet and knot it neat, toga party tonight; oh yeah, toga party tonight

Everyone will have some fun; Toga party tonight! In the rain or in the sun; Toga party tonight! We won't quit till everyone, Toga party tonight! Hops around the Pantheon toga party tonight
Come on!     here we go now!   Got to get a toga and head for the party tonight.    Here to Saratoga everything’s gonna be alright (toga party, toga party) you really are to see him down at the Coliseum toga party tonight!

Everyone will have some fun, toga party tonight, in the rain or in the sun, toga party tonight! We won’t quit till everyone toga party tonight hops around the Pantheon on toga party tonight!

Toga Party………) you really are to see him down at the Coliseum toga party tonight!
Toga Party…….

Toga party, tonight! Party tonight! Yeah!

Scene 7:                               The Future
1.Lucy:            Well, I have had about enough for one day, guys. These old bones are aching and needing a rest.
3.Taki:             This has been such an amazing adventure, Lucy. We’ve learned so much.
1.Tut:              No kidding! My brain can’t hold another thing!
2.Lucy:            The great thing about studying the past is that you can learn about who we are and who we might become!
1.Taki:             Doesn’t it make you feel very, very small and insignificant?
2.Lucy:            No not really, Taki. It just makes me feel a part of something bigger than myself.  It makes me realize that everything that everybody did before me, changed the world for me.
2.Tut:              That means that everything we do will change the world for those who follow us!
3.Taki:             That’s awesome!
Cast:                WE MATTER!
1&2Lucy:        We are all connected to the past, present and the Future.
1,2,&3Tut:      So here’s to the past, both big and small!
1,2,&3Taki:     And here’s to the future for one and all!
Cast:                Hip hip hooray!
Song # 7                  Here’s To The Future

Here's to the future. Here's to the past. Here's to the memories, we pray they'll last. We keep on moving and as we grow, here's to the future, and on we go.

Here's to tomorrow here's to today. Through joy or sorrow will be okay. Oh, will keep on dreaming and as we do, here's to tomorrow, dreams do come true!

Here's to the future. Here's to the past. Here's to the memories, we pray the last. Oh well keep on moving and as we grow, here's to the future. And on we go!

And on we go.
Here’s to the fut1&2 Lucy:       Boo!
All Taki and Tut:  Ahhhhhhhha! 
(They run into each other and fall down.)
(Lucy move freely now and stands between the two of them, laughing)

1.Lucy: Hello kids!  My name is Lucy!  And this is my friend--------
2.Lucy: Pleased to meet you,  What’s your names?

(after a moment’s hesitation, Taki and Tut look at he audience and scream again)

All :Taki and Tut:       Ahhhhh!
2.Lucy:            Kinda jumpy, aren’t you guys?  What’s the matter?  Haven’t you ever seen a real fossil before?
Taki and Tut:  (hesitate, then scream)  Ahhhhhh!
1.Lucy:(rolling her eyes) Good grief!  Look, we’ve been lying around here for 3 million years.  I’ve got calcium deposits older than the two of you.  Can’t we just be friends?
3.Tut;  but you’re a…a….skeleton!
2.Lucy:            (Sarcastically, talking to the audience) Boy, we’ve got a smart one here! Is that your final answer or do you wanna use a lifeline!  (She laughs at her own joke)
3.Taki: But skeletons can’t talk …..can they?
2.Lucy:            (playing dumb)   Duh!  Well , I don’t know. Let’s see…. Am, I talking or not?  Wait ‘til I decide to sing!  You ain’t heard nothin’ yet!
AllTut and Taki:   (Slowly together)  Wow!
1.Lucy:  In a way, all fossils can talk.  By studying us, you can tell a whole lot about things that happened in the world a long time ago. 
1.Taki:             Yeah, I know that by studying what happened in the past is a good way to learn about where we came from!
1.Tut:  Right, but we can also learn where we are and where we are going!
1&2Lucy:Now you’re talking.
Lucy, Taki& TutHi I am ----------(Lucy, Taki and Tut introduce themselves and shake hands.)
1.Lucy:Charmed, I’m sure.  Now, come on!  Let my friends and me show you a little of what has happened in the world since we lay down here so long, long ago.
2.Lucy:  Yeah, Let’s give them the grand tour, Lets go!
allTaki & Tut: Weird, totally weird!

Song #1                                  “So Long Ago”

If you really want to know, pay attention to our show when you do, we think you'll see, you can learn from history.

We can look at Greece or Rome and the folks who called it home. If you give your brain a turn there is just so much to learn from long ago! So long ago
Gee it happened long ago

We can travel up the Nile, take a cruise in Egyptian style! Maybe hike on the Great Wall, if you'll like "do it all. There's so much to history, take a tip from Ptolemy, from Iraq to Hackensack, this is your chance to go back to long ago!

Yeah, it happened long ago! Yeah, it happened long ago! Yeah, I have to want to go! Gee it happened long ago 

** what can we learn from the past that that we don't already know? What will we see, what will we hear, when we dance back through the years? Let's go!

So long ago yeah, it happened long ago! Yeah It happened long ago! yeah It happened long ago, gee it happened long ago


Scene 2:  Mesopotamia:
(Lucy, Tut and Taki are on one side of the stage, watching the action)

2.Taki:             Wow!  Lucy are some interesting friends you have there .
1.Lucy:            Well, what do you expect.  Most of them have heads the size of a baseball

(All the skeletons glare at Lucy as though they have been insulted and exit.  The stage is filling with dwellers of early Mesopotamia.  They have hoes to garden with, baskets full of goods, shepherd staves, etc.)

2.Tut:              Who are those people over there?
2.Lucy:            Ahh, good question, Tut!  Those are the Sumerians from the land of Mesopotamia.  What you’re seeing is pretty typical for 3000 B.C.  That guy over there is the famous Gilgamesh.

((Lucy, Tut and Taki watch the scene unfold)

Gilgamesh:  (flamboyant and stuffy upper crust, King of the city of Uruk…..Clapping his hands to get everyone’s attention) People! People!  Work with me now!  We’ve got to work together!
(All of the farmers and nomads, merchants gather, stop and pay attention to him)

Worker #1:    Who died and made him King?
Worker #2:    Yeah, who does he think he is?
Gilgamesh:      I heard that!  Now look, I know you’re all used to working independently and getting a long just fine.  But, it’s 110 degrees here and this land is as dry as a desert.
Enkidu:           Sir! Sir!
Gilgamesh:     What is it, Enkidu, my valiant and servant?
Enkidu:           ( whispers in his ear. )  Sir, this IS a desert!
Gilgamesh:     Right, Right you are Enkidu.  This Is a desert!  But if we just work together a little bit, I think we can survive here and maybe even create one of the first great civilizations!
Workers:        (Mumble and grumble in disbelief ….ad lib.) No way, impossible, What’s a civilization?
Enkidu:           Now, Now, Gilgamesh is right, everybody.  Working together, we can make sure that nobody messes with Meopotamia!
Gilgamesh:     Now, look, we’ve got rivers on both sides of this plain that gives us a great water supply.  And what are they called?
Workers:        (Proudly)  Rivers!
Gilgamesh:     (exasperated)  NO, NO, I KNOW THAT!  What are the NAMES of the Rivers?
Workers:        (spoken as though reciting something they’ve said a hundred times)  The Tigrus and Euphrates.
Gilgamesh:     “A” plus!  They have allowed our production of farm goods to go way up.  Good for us!
Worker #3:    But sir, we have a big problem…
Gilgamesh:     Problem, what Problem?
Enkidu:           Well sir, the problem is that we need a more efficient way to transport our product to market to see and trade. 
Gilgamesh:     Ahh,  Right you are……..(sarcastically) again.  Well, Does anyone have any brilliant ideas?

Inventor:        (rolling a wooden wheel infront of him)  Sir, if I might suggest…. I’ve been working on a small, round invention that I think might have some great possibilities.
Gilgamesh:     (looking doubtfully at the wheel)   Humm…..I can’t see it myself, but let’s go ahead and give it a try.  Now what’s next?
Maker:            (holding a bulla—a football-shaped vessel with tokens inside)   Well, sir, I’ve been working on a system of currency that I think might help us keep track of what we trade and what we owe. 
Gilgamesh:     (he takes the bulla, looks at it an puts it into his pocket)   A capitol idea!  Write it down!
Worker#4:     (all workers look at each other, very confused)  Write it down? (ad lib..what is he talking about, he’s crazy…..) What are you talking about?
Enkidu:           Write it down, sir?
Gilgamesh:     (Peturbed) Figure it out Enkidu, I can’t do everything! (happy again)  I’m so proud of all of you!  At this rate, we should be able to build a civilization that lasts for thousands of year, right here between our own two beautiful rivers!

Song #2:                  “THE LAND BETWEEN TWO RIVERS”

Rivers flow; makes things grow. Living through all kinds of weather. We all know the seeds we’ll so are bringing the people to gather.
Two Rivers; many people come together on the land one vision; all people the land between two rivers is our home.

Day by day, year-by-year, building a land like no other. Never stop, never fear.  Build for your sister and brother.

Two Rivers; (two rivers) many people(many people) come together on the land
one vision;  (one vision) all people (all people) the land between two rivers is our home.

Narrator:  In the land between two rivers the creative and intelligent Summerians built farming villages and irrigation systems from as early as 5,000BC.  Archeologists have even found evidence of great cities and a very complex civilization As early as 3500 BC farmers produced food. City dwellers where brick layers, canal builders, butchers, potters and more. The Mesopotamian plane gave rise to one of the first great civilizations. And it all happened on the land between two rivers ***.

 The land between two rivers is our home.  Two rivers (two rivers) many people (many people) come together on the land.
 one vision; (one vision)  all people (all people) the land between two rivers is our home.
We are home!


Scene 3  Egypt:

(The Mesopotamians exit and Egyptian laborers begin slowly entering .They are carrying square and other shaped “rocks”  or boxes that they will gradually put together into a pyramid.)

3.Tut:  Who do we get to see next, Lucy?
3.Taki: Yeah I never knew history could be so so alive!
2.Lucy:            Alive well, we’ll see about that. Listen up!
3.Tut:  Wow, they look pretty good considering they lived 4000 years ago!

(The trio watches the scene centerstage)

Imhotep:    (very worried) King Zoser! Green is scarce.
Peasant 1:      (in anguish)  I’ve got no grain!
Imhotep:        The fruit has all dried up.
Peasant 2:      (desperate) Look at my fruit!  It’s completely dried up!
Imhotep:        People are so desperate that they are robbing their neighbors.

(Two peasants are standing together. One is holding a sandwich)

Peasant 3:      Wow look at that!

As the peasant, that is holding a sandwich, looks to where he is pointing , the speaker steals his sandwich and runs away.  The other chases him)

(Children start to cry and old people wail in agony, “Woe is me! Woe is me !”

All Peasant children : There is no hope, (they begin to cry, loudly!)
All Peasants:  What are we going to do!
Imhotep:        Children are crying and old people are as sad as can be!  We need to do something!
Zoser:              (very happy )  I know!   Build me a pyramid! 

(Imhotep and the rest of the cast look at the audience in disbelief.)

 Zoser:             ( Very serious)   But first, I must learn the name of the God of the Nile.  Then we can offer sacrifices to that god and he will help us.  Everybody!  (all stop moving and look at him )   Go to sleep at once!

( Everybody goes to sleep.  Dream music plays .  Enter KHNUM.  )

Khunum:        ( in a big god-like voice )   I am Khnum.  That’s   K-H-N-U-M.  The H is silent.  I know the river Nile.  When it covers the fields, it gives them life.  Now the Nile will pour over the land without stopping.  Plants will grow, bowing down with fruit.  The years of starvation will be over.  Thank you and good night!

( Khunum exits, music stops and everybody wakes up)

Zoser:              Ladies and gentlemen, my fellow Egyptians.  I have had a marvelous and rather brief dream. The name of the god of the Nile is cut noon that's okay – H – O never mind. We must offer him gifts. The years of hunger have ended. Now we can build the great Egyptian so was a shame that people will talk about for generations to come. I know you’re hungry, but first things first. So, we’ll start with a giant. Which shall be my tomb!        ( All cheer)

Song# 3                                              “In My Tomb”

There I was just sitting by the Nile.  Long came a Pharoah and he stayed a while.  Said, “Build a
pyramid clear up to the sky.  So I have a place to lay me down if ever I should die.”

In my Tomb..  In my Tomb…

Got to get ready for the afterlife  I’d like to take some guards along and my newest wife! Now I’ll have to have some food, but I won’t need a car.  Put my drinks in an urn and my organs in a jar. 

In my tomb……In my tomb…..
In my tomb….

I like a lot of jewelry and if I have a vote, put me in a mask and don’t forget a boat!  Bury me with gold and a million candle sticks. They can learn a lot about me with your hieroglyphics! 

In my tomb……In my tomb…..
In my tomb….
     Mummy:  You heard from my esophagus!  Now work on my sarcophagus!
            Zoser:  I want my mummy!  I really want my mummy!

I like a lot of jewelry and if I have a vote, put me in a mask and don’t forget a boat!  Bury me with gold and a million candle sticks. They can learn a lot about me with your hieroglyphics! 

In my tomb……In my tomb…..In my tomb….

(after song is over)

1.Taki:             Wow! I never realize the ancient Egypt dominated the earth for like 3000 years!
1.Lucy:            Well, not the entire earth, Taki. But they really were an amazing civilization.
1.Tut:              what else was going on at that time that could possibly be as exciting as building pyramids?
2.Lucy:            Tut, Tut little Tut!  Good question. And to help me answer it, Let’ take a look right over there.  You see in front of you ancient Greek playwright Sophocles, who is trying to get his actors to act!  Let’s see how its going.


Scene 5: Greece

(A group of course there’s enter wearing Greek style togas they might also wear masks
as they are the Greek chorus. They speak rhythmically in unison all the time.)

Sophocles:      (like the director of a play) no no, that will never do! Nobody will believe you if you don’t give it more emotion!   Now please one more time with feeling!

Chorus:           (with  more emphasis, over-acting like crazy)

Herodotus:     How is it going, Sophocles? Is the play almost finished?
Sophocles:      Terrible, just terrible Herodotus. The play festival in Athens is less than a week away and I can’t get the chorus to work together for anything!
Herodotus:     Well, what’s the new play about anyway?
Sophocles:      It’s supposed to be about all the wonderful things about Greece that will be around for thousands of years after we are all dead and gone.
Herodotus:     Sounds interesting!
Sophocles:      It is interesting. But I can’t seem to come up with the right hook to tie it all together.
Herodotus:     How about …….(dramatically as though he sees the name in lights)  “The Odyssey?
Sophocles:      No.  Homer beat me to it. 
Herodotus:     How about (with lots of drama)  “Greece: The Musical!”
Sophocles:      It’ll never fly.
&Herodotus:  (Scratching their heads). Hummmmmm!
Chorus:           HOW ABOUT GREE E IS THE WORD?
Sophocles:      What, what did you say?
&Herodotus:  That’s it!

Chorus:           GLAD YOU THOUGHT OF IT. (entire chorus rolls their eyes)

Song #5                   “Greece is the Word”

There are so many groovy things that we got from the Greeks:
Comedy and Tragedy and even words we speak.  I could tell you all of them but it would take a week And though it all may seem absurd:  Greece is the word!

So you see there really is so very much to learn.  and What’s a Grecian Urn?
Everything is Greek to me so Greece is my concern.  Why don’t you take a turn?  For Greece is the word!

Ay yi yi yi, everybody dance.  Ai yi yi yi, come and take a chance.  Ay yi yi yi stamp and clap your hand  Do the Grecian dance along with me!

From them cam Olympic and the first democracy not to mention Baklava and even botany.  Architects and algebra and Antigone.  I think it’s plain to see.  Greece is the word!  So you see there really is so very much to learn What is an Acropolis and what’s a Grecian urn?  Everything is Greek to me so Greece is my concern  Why don’t you take a turn?  For Greece is the word! 

Ay yi yi yi, everybody dance.  Ai yi yi yi, come and take a chance.  Ay yi yi yi stamp and clap your hand Do the Grecian dance along with me!   (3x)



Scene 6: Rome

2.Taki:             Gee, I had no idea the ancient Greece had such a lasting effect on the world.
2.Tut:              This is just great, Lucy. No bones about it, you really know your stuff. Get it? No bones about it?? Get it?
2.Lucy:            I get it. (Turning her back on Tut) you are right, Taki, Greece did have a huge impact on the world, as did the ancient Romans.
3.Tut:              Oh, I remember! The Romans were the first to try a real republic.
1.Lucy:            Not to mention expanding to one of the most powerful empires that ever existed. Why, you can still see signs of ancient Rome as far away as Morocco, Iraq and even England.
All Taki &
Tut:                 WOW!!!
1.Lucy:            Wow is right! And legend says it well started with twin brothers and their dream to build a city.

                        (Romulus and Remus begin are you doing at center-stage)

Remus:           No, Romulus! I’m telling you, I had a dream. And in this dream I saw six vultures flying over the exact spot where we should build the city.
Romulus:        No, Remus! I too had a dream. And in my dream I saw 12 vultures flying over the spot where we were found as babies in the basket and raised by the wolf.  12 is more than 6, and so that is where we should build the city!
Remus:           6 is an omen from the gods that the spot I chose is right!
Romulus:        12 is a BIGGER omen!
Remus:           6!
Romulus:        12!
Remus:           6!
Romulus:        12!
Remus:           I’m telling Mom!
Romulus:        What does she care, she’s a wolf. For Pete’s sake! (Matter-of-factly) Now, I must kill you with this rock.
(Romulus picks up a rock and hit Remus over the head with it. Remus dies a very dramatic death)

Romulus:        (Proudly, he unrolls blueprints, envisioning the city)  And I’ll call it
(A couple of Romans walk in.)
Roman #1:     Hey Romulus, how’s Rome coming along?
Roman#2:      Yeah, Romulus, heard you were having some problems with your aqueducts?
Romulus:        Look guys?  It can’t be built in a day, you know.
Roman#3:      No need to be snippy, Romulus!
Roman #1:     I just hope it’s ready for Caesar’s big bash on Saturday night!
Roman #4:     Oh rats! I forgot all about the big party; and I don’t have a thing to wear!
Roman #3:     Don’t worry, the word is out that dress is white toga, so you’re all set
Roman #2:     Togas! Great! I’ve got a linen closet full of them!
Roman #1:     Well then, what are we waiting for?
Roman #3:     (with enthusiasm) Let’s go! (all run out except 2&4)
Roman #2&4 Yeah, what are we waiting for.  Hey, Wait for us!!! (run off stage)

Song #6:                  “Toga Party Tonight”
Come on everybody can't you feel the beat grab a chum and have some fun toga party tonight here's your invitation addressed to beat the heat get a sheet and knot it neat toga party tonight oh yeah toga party tonight

Everyone will have some fun; Toga party tonight! In the rain or in the sun; Toga party tonight! We won't quit till everyone, Toga party tonight! Hops around the Pantheon toga party tonight
Come on!     here we go now!   Got to get a toga and head for the party tonight.    Here to Saratoga everything’s gonna be alright (toga party, toga party) you really are to see him down at the Coliseum toga party tonight!

Everyone will have some fun toga party tonight in the rain or in the sun toga party tonight! We won’t quit till everyone toga party tonight hops around the Pantheon on toga party tonight!

Toga Party………) you really are to see him down at the Coliseum toga party tonight!
Toga Party…….

Toga party, tonight! Party tonight! Yeah!

Scene 7:                               The Future
1.Lucy:            Well, I have had about enough for one day, guys. These old bones are aching and needing a rest.
3.Taki:             This has been such an amazing adventure, Lucy. We’ve learned so much.
1.Tut:              No kidding! My brain can’t hold another thing!
2.Lucy:            The great thing about studying the past is that you can learn about who we are and who we might become!
1.Taki:             Doesn’t it make you feel very, very small and insignificant?
2.Lucy:            No not really, Taki. It just makes me feel a part of something bigger than myself.  It makes me realize that everything that everybody did before me, changed the world for me.
2.Tut:              That means that everything we do will change the world for those who follow us!
3.Taki:             That’s awesome!
Cast:                WE MATTER!
1&2Lucy:        We are all connected to the past, present and the Future.
1,2,&3Tut:      So here’s to the past, both big and small!
1,2,&3Taki:     And here’s to the future for one and all!
Cast:                Hip hip hooray!
Song # 7                  Here’s To The Future

Here's to the future. Here's to the past. Here's to the memories, we pray they'll last. We keep on moving and as we grow, here's to the future, and on we go.

Here's to tomorrow here's to today. Through joy or sorrow will be okay. Oh, will keep on dreaming and as we do, here's to tomorrow, dreams do come true!

Here's to the future. Here's to the past. Here's to the memories, we pray the last. Oh well keep on moving and as we grow, here's to the future. And on we go!

And on we go.
Here’s to the future here’s to the past here’s to the future here’s to the past.

Reprise of song # 1……………………………………………… curtain

ure here’s to the past here’s to the future here’s to the past.

Reprise of song # 1……………………………………………… curtain


  1. Use this script to rehearse your lines!! Add gestures to bring your character to life! Have fun.

  2. that is not right it made me mad i need the real one for practis

  3. that is not right it made me mad i need the real one for practis
    at my school do not us it it does not help at all

  4. It is not fully correct but helps quite a bit TYSM!!!!!!!'m

  5. Does not work at all. Good effort tho. maybe try to fin the real one next time.


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